Planted by Uday
as a gift to Prateeksha and Ritesh
80 trees
Your project
Reforestation in Tamil Nadu, India
Sadhana Forest, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India
Sadhana Forest trains thousands of local people and international volunteers each year to reforest 70 acres of severely degraded land with the indigineous Tropicla-Dry-Evergreen-Forest in South India.
Reforestation in Tamil Nadu, India
Sadhana Forest, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India
Sadhana Forest trains thousands of local people and international volunteers each year to reforest 70 acres of severely degraded land with the indigineous Tropicla-Dry-Evergreen-Forest in South India.
Your trees
Grewia bracteata
Vendor: -
Garcinia spicata
Vendor: -
Ageal elaeagnoidea
Vendor: -
Helicteres isora
Vendor: -
Grewia rhamnifolia
Vendor: -
Psydrax dicoccos
Vendor: -
Polyalthia korinti
Vendor: -
Salacia chinensis
Vendor: -
Olax scandens
Vendor: -
Carissa spinarum
Vendor: -
Ficus hispida
Vendor: -
Albizia lebbeck
Vendor: -
Barleria nitida
Vendor: -
Grewia rhamnifolia
Vendor: -
Barleria nitida
Vendor: -
Ficus hispida
Vendor: -
Grewia bracteata
Vendor: -
Ageal elaeagnoidea
Vendor: -
Grewia bracteata
Vendor: -
Ficus hispida
Vendor: -
Salacia chinensis
Vendor: -
Ageal elaeagnoidea
Vendor: -
Grewia bracteata
Vendor: -
Ageal elaeagnoidea
Vendor: -
Allophylus cobbe