Social impact stories: Hellen's transition to solar lights

Planting trees not only helps our planet heal, but also enables local communities with gainful employment, lifting many out of poverty.

Here's the heartwarming story of Hellen, who was able to improve her living standards with solar lights due to her employment with our tree planting partners EarthLungs Reforestation and Veritree. "Nowadays, there is no darkness in my house" says Hellen. Her family also enjoys improved health due to reduced smoke from tin lamps, which they would use as a light source previously. In addition, her family is now able to afford school fees for her children.

Thank you to our Greenr Gifter for enabling countless transformations such as these. 

“We are on Earth to take care of life. We are on Earth to take care of each other.” — Xiye Bastida

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